Monday, April 8, 2013

Home Sweet Home!

We are home! As Caleb landed he said,"Grammie, Home Sweet Home". The 14 hour flight was uneventful. Both kids did lots of sleeping and they handled the connecting flights like pros! We got home at 1am and had a quick bite and went to bed.

Clara (Mei Mei) is adjusting great, it is like she was always here. Bedtime is where she only shows any insecurities. So it looks like I am back on the air mattress. Better than the hard floor though.

Ripley came home yesterday and him and Clara are so far so good! I think we can thank Ripley's patient disposition to Caleb doing such a good job breaking him in!

Right now our biggest battle is jet lag. We have daily discussions about whether we should nap, not nap, go to bed early or late. Right now we are just trying to push through it.

Shawn  and LeHoa are up for a few days. We are enjoying having them here and helping us with the first few days home. They are having a great time getting to know their new niece!

Caleb is going great and is getting used to having a sister. He even let her play with his lego today.

I am looking forward to getting into a routine and getting to know Clara better!!

Just landed in Halifax!

Checking out her room

Having a tea party

At the playground with Poppy!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Hi, this is going to be a quick post! We have had a busy few days touring around. Yesterday Mom, Mei Mei and I were lucky enough to visit a foster care for sick orphans who were to ill to be cared for by their orphanage. It was an amazing place. I will write more about it when back home. Yes we are almost on our way home. We leave for the airport at 1pm and our flight leaves a t 6pm. If all goes well we will be in Halifax around 11:30 pm on Friday. The crazy thing is it is already Friday here!
We are all doing well getting a little tired. cranky and are just ready for home! Can't wait for you all the meet Mei Mei!!

Tiananmen square

Tiananmen square

Tiananmen square
Shepherd's Field Children's Village

Shepherd's Field Children's Village

Shepherd's Field Children's Village

A little boy who loved Mom

Writing on the wall at the Shepherd's Field

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

HI, Just time for a quick post today before breakfast. Shopping yesterday was fantastic. We bought lots! Yesterday evening we went to an acrobat show which was great. Clara absolutely loved it  and clapped throughout the whole show!

Today we are going to the Forbidden City and Tiananmen  Square. This was a trip we missed last time so it will be something new for us.

The rest of the day is free. Maybe a swim as both kids loved it the other day.

Here are some pictures!