Thursday, May 2, 2013

One Month With Mei Mei

Wow! I can't believe we have almost been home one month with Mei Mei. Not sure where the time went. Seems like we were just in China the other day. Mei Mei is settling in and beginning the process of bonding to everyone. We are still calling her Mei Mei (little sister). Eventually we will phase in Clara. She is picking up a few English words but understands a lot more English than she speaks. It is sad that she will eventually lose her Chinese language.  Ripley and  are her are still best buddies! We had her to the pediatrician and she is perfectly healthy! She will be followed by the cleft clinic at the IWK. Her medical from China said she had a hernia but that was either wrong or has fixed itself.
Her and Caleb get along better each day, they especially get along when they are ganging up on their parents! It is wonderful hearing them laughing together. Caleb is adjusting to all the changes and is beginning to think maybe his sister is not that bad to have around. Although their are still a lot times when they are all very jealous of each other. Caleb continues to go to daycare three days a week and is home with me for two. Mei Mei is definitely Daddy's girl and she loves when he comes home from work.
We are really looking forward to going to Cape Breton on the May long weekend. She will get to see more of her family!

Playing with Ripley
A street in Wuhan
Tiananmen Square
Forbidden City